docker 部署BSC(币安智能链)v1.1.2版本开发网–ws协议

其实上次已经和大家分享过一篇关于BSC(币安智能链)开发网的部署《BSC(币安智能链)开发网部署》 《[docker 部署BSC v1.0.7-ht.3...

其实上次已经和大家分享过一篇关于BSC(币安智能链)开发网的部署《[BSC(币安智能链)开发网部署](》 《[docker 部署BSC v1.0.7-ht.3版本开发网](》 今天这篇同样也是关于BSC开发网部署的文档,但是也稍微的有一些不一样,共有以下几点: 那为什么还要出一篇BSC开发网的文档呢?因为BSC智能链在前几日发布了一个新版本:v1.1.2,此版本为修补 EVM 中的漏洞 ( CVE-2021-39137 ) 的修补程序。所有同步节点都应该尽快升级至此版本。 另外此文档中启用了websocket协议,可用于客户端的持久化连接。 # 一. 编写说明 ## 1.1 文档说明 - 文档内容 ``` 通过本文档对BSC币安智能链使用docker进行开发网部署启动ws协议过程进行描述 ``` - 部署服务 <table> <tr> <th>服务器</th> <th>程序</th> <th>默认端口</th> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="9"></td> <td>BSC开发网节点(BSC)</td> <td>rpc接口:8545<br>p2p接口:30303</td> </tr> </table> ## 1.2 配置信息 - 硬件配置 ``` 服务器系统:Centos7+ CPU:8核 内存:16GB 硬盘:1024 GB 网络:千兆网卡 ``` - 软件环境 ``` Docker:19.03.11 ``` > 注意:软件使用版本不强制使用与上面一样的版本 ## 1.3 部署文档信息 - BSC官网: - BSC链github地址: - 主网区块链浏览器: - 主网链官方部署文档:: - 手续费(gasprice): - 创世文件及配置文件参考: - 开发者文档: - 公共节点: - 生态系统: # 二.BSC开发网镜像生成 - 下载bsc基础镜像 ``` docker pull buildpack-deps:jessie-curl ``` - 编写Dockerfile ``` FROM buildpack-deps:jessie-curl RUN wget -P /usr/local/bin/ && mv /usr/local/bin/geth_linux /usr/local/bin/geth && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/geth EXPOSE 8545 8546 30303 30303/udp WORKDIR /data ENTRYPOINT ["geth"] ``` - 生成heco主链镜像 ``` docker build . -t private_bsc:v1.1.2 ``` > 注:需要在与Dockerfile同一级目录下执行此命令 - 查看是否生成镜像 ``` # docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE private_bsc v1.1.2 0ba0ebff1493 3 seconds ago 219MB ``` # 三.BSC开发网容器生成 ## 3.1 配置文件编写 参考: ``` [Eth] NetworkId = 1024 NoPruning = false NoPrefetch = false LightPeers = 100 UltraLightFraction = 75 TrieTimeout = 100000000000 EnablePreimageRecording = false EWASMInterpreter = "" EVMInterpreter = "" [Eth.Miner] GasFloor = 30000000 GasCeil = 40000000 GasPrice = 1000000000 Recommit = 10000000000 Noverify = false [Eth.TxPool] Locals = [] NoLocals = true Journal = "transactions.rlp" Rejournal = 3600000000000 PriceLimit = 1000000000 PriceBump = 10 AccountSlots = 512 GlobalSlots = 10000 AccountQueue = 256 GlobalQueue = 5000 Lifetime = 10800000000000 [Eth.GPO] Blocks = 20 Percentile = 60 OracleThreshold = 20 [Node] IPCPath = "geth.ipc" HTTPHost = "" NoUSB = true InsecureUnlockAllowed = false HTTPPort = 8545 HTTPVirtualHosts = ["*"] HTTPModules = ["eth", "net", "web3", "txpool", "parlia"] WSPort = 8546 WSModules = ["net", "web3", "eth"] WSHost = "" WSOrigins = ["*"] [Node.P2P] MaxPeers = 30 NoDiscovery = false ListenAddr = ":30311" EnableMsgEvents = false [Node.HTTPTimeouts] ReadTimeout = 30000000000 WriteTimeout = 30000000000 IdleTimeout = 120000000000 [Node.LogConfig] FilePath = "bsc.log" MaxBytesSize = 10485760 Level = "info" FileRoot = "" ``` > config.toml 文件可创建在/opt/docker/bsc-private 注:本次部署最重要的目的是需要BSC开发网节点支持websocket协议,配置文件中需要注意以下参数: ``` WSPort = 8546 //指定WebSockets-RPC服务端口,默认值8546 WSModules = ["net", "web3", "eth"] //设定开放给WebSockets-RPC的接口,默认只开放eth、net、web3 WSHost = "" //指定WebSockets-RPC服务监听地址,默认值localhost WSOrigins = ["*"] //指定WebSockets-RPC服务允许从哪些域过来的跨域请求,*表示接受表示所有的域 ``` ## 3.2 预先创建一个账户地址 使用MetaMask或者其他工具预先创建一个账户地址,并保存好私钥,后面这个地址会配置在genesis文件中,并用做挖矿coinbase地址及初始化地址 ## 3.3 创建genesis.json 参考: **根据需要修改特定的字段,常规的比如** - chainId 修改为自己的独有链id - coinbase 修改为预先创建的地址 - alloc中的0x6e60F5243e1a3F0Be3F407b5AFE9e5395ee82aa2修改为初始资金接收地址,balance根据业务需要,计算相应预先发行数量(精度18位)的16进制 **对于共识参数,可以根据需要再做修改** ``` "congress": { "period": 3, // 出块间隔(秒) "epoch": 200 // 出块顺序刷新间隔(块数),epoch为一个周期设定,单位是block,每个epoch结束的时候,会对验证人进行相应调整; } ``` **genesis.json 文件创建** ``` { "config": { "chainId": 1024, "homesteadBlock": 0, "eip150Block": 0, "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "eip155Block": 0, "eip158Block": 0, "byzantiumBlock": 0, "constantinopleBlock": 0, "petersburgBlock": 0, "istanbulBlock": 0, "muirGlacierBlock": 0, "congress": { "period": 20, "epoch": 20000 } }, "nonce": "0x0000000000000061", "timestamp": "0x0", "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "gasLimit": "0x2625a00", "difficulty": "0x100", "mixhash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "coinbase": "0x6e60F5243e1a3F0Be3F407b5AFE9e5395ee82aa2", "alloc": { "0x6e60F5243e1a3F0Be3F407b5AFE9e5395ee82aa2":{ "balance": "6660010000000000000000000000" } } } ``` > 注:genesis.json 应创建在/opt/docker/bsc-private ## 3.4 初始化geth 将上面修改好的**geth.toml**和**genesis.json**以**及预生成的账户地址keystore文件**放到规划好的位置,我们此时放在 **/opt/docker/heco-private** - 初始化geth ``` cd /opt/docker/bsc-private docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data private_bsc:v1.1.2 init /data/genesis.json --datadir /data/bsc ``` - 将预生成的账户地址keystore文件拷贝至初始数据文件中 ``` cp UTC--2017-11-21T05-46-23.555205600Z--6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2 bsc/keystore/ ``` 或者可以将以上步骤编写为一个脚本,例如: ``` # vim /opt/docker/bsc-private/ #!/bin/bash docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data private_bsc:v1.1.2 init /data/genesis.json --datadir /data/bsc cp UTC--* ./bsc/keystore/ ``` ## 3.5 启动bsc - 启动bsc ``` docker run -itd --restart=unless-stopped -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone --name private-bsc -v /opt/docker/bsc/bsc:/data -p 30311:30311 -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 private_bsc:v1.1.2 --config config.toml --datadir /data/bsc --nodiscover --allow-insecure-unlock ``` - 查看bsc启动日志 ``` # tail -100 /opt/docker/bsc-private/bsc/bsc.log.2021-09-01_12 t=2021-09-01T12:58:10+0800 lvl=info msg="Writing clean trie cache to disk" path=/data/bsc/geth/triecache threads=1 t=2021-09-01T12:58:10+0800 lvl=info msg="Persisted the clean trie cache" path=/data/bsc/geth/triecache elapsed="893.611µs" ``` > 注意:此时heco私链并没有开启挖矿 ## 3.6 启动挖矿 启动后,进入ipc,解锁我们预先生成的地址,作为此节点的coinbase - 从另一个终端进入geth控制台 ``` # docker exec -it private-bsc bash root@602e93dadf6a:/data# geth attach /data/bsc/geth.ipc ``` - 查看当前的的coinbase地址 ``` > eth { accounts: ["0x6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2"], blockNumber: 0, coinbase: "0x6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2", ``` accounts和coinbase都为以上步骤预先生成的地址 - 设置该地址为无限期解锁,因为后面需要使用该私钥进行出块签名。0为无限期 ``` > personal.unlockAccount("0x6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2","123456",0) true ``` - 启动挖矿 ``` > miner.start(1) null ``` > 注:开启一个线程进行挖矿 - 此时查看容器日志 ``` # tail -100 /opt/docker/bsc-private/bsc/bsc.log.2021-09-01_13 // 生成DAG数据 t=2021-09-01T13:34:51+0800 lvl=info msg="Generating DAG in progress" epoch=0 percentage=9 elapsed=7.342s t=2021-09-01T13:34:52+0800 lvl=info msg="Generating DAG in progress" epoch=0 percentage=10 elapsed=8.072s t=2021-09-01T13:34:52+0800 lvl=info msg="Generating DAG in progress" epoch=0 percentage=11 elapsed=8.816s // 开始出块 t=2021-09-01T13:35:58+0800 lvl=info msg="Successfully sealed new block" number=1 sealhash=0x0f990fcb956860fc1f050205d1aee1aff052f75327a0f1fe82a29b886d259f3b hash=0x8b79131b55f3447c988ac7c361dc0b903666c4dfcbae86bd08aed3f08d453c44 elapsed=1m15.471s t=2021-09-01T13:35:58+0800 lvl=info msg=" mined potential block" number=1 hash=0x8b79131b55f3447c988ac7c361dc0b903666c4dfcbae86bd08aed3f08d453c44 t=2021-09-01T13:35:58+0800 lvl=info msg="Commit new mining work" number=2 sealhash=0x42546fe2ddf49aacb6a5b87341035e41c55b74145a51fc0a60a364ae91228f15 uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 elapsed="367.28µs" ``` 节点出块主要是以下日志 ``` // 成功封存新的区块 t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg="Successfully sealed new block" number=1421 sealhash=0x96c582534f19f90bf0c0a7d035723cbe131968d68c250b3b561c39d4e163543f hash=0x7a983d8db1630bb5d30b906d020e578f82608408150d23e08d41182d6f62f5d5 elapsed=13.696s // 区块进行上链 t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg=" block reached canonical chain" number=1410 hash=0x6cbcd8fa3606cb2d0a5395af3cd0c515eebb8b84ad864a1cf060eea5e852f107 // 挖掘可能的区块 t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg=" mined potential block" number=1421 hash=0x7a983d8db1630bb5d30b906d020e578f82608408150d23e08d41182d6f62f5d5 // 进行新的挖矿工作 t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg="Commit new mining work" number=1422 sealhash=0x51bcd69f824944147b113afc8da20a50f7af89e31793969be64c3e199bf9dd8b uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 elapsed="268.173µs" ``` # 四.ws协议验证 ## 4.1 查看websocket协议端口是否启动 - 安装netstat工具 ``` docker exec -it private-bsc bash //进入容器 apt-get update //更新系统 apt-get install net-tools //安装网络工具 ``` - 查看容器内websocket协议端口8546是否启动 ``` # netstat -lnptu Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp6 0 0 :::8545 :::* LISTEN 1/geth tcp6 0 0 :::8546 :::* LISTEN 1/geth tcp6 0 0 :::30311 :::* LISTEN 1/geth ``` ## 4.2 测试websocket协议是否可用 使用postman模拟发送一个websocket请求,查询区块高度,查看是否可正常返回 ![postman测试bsc网络websocket请求]( --- 以上,就是今天分享的全部内容了。 希望大家通过以上方式可以解决自己的实际需求,解决自己目前所遇到的问题。 如果在部署过程中有任何疑问,可以扫描下面的二维码,添加我的个人微信,备注:地区-职业方向-昵称,欢迎来撩,加入区块链技术交流群,与更多的区块链技术大佬学习交流。 ![.jpg]( 原创不易,码字不易。 觉得这篇文章对你有点用的话,麻烦你为本文点个赞,留言或转发一下,因为这将是我输出更多优质文章的动力,感谢!

其实上次已经和大家分享过一篇关于BSC(币安智能链)开发网的部署《BSC(币安智能链)开发网部署》 《docker 部署BSC v1.0.7-ht.3版本开发网》 今天这篇同样也是关于BSC开发网部署的文档,但是也稍微的有一些不一样,共有以下几点:

那为什么还要出一篇BSC开发网的文档呢?因为BSC智能链在前几日发布了一个新版本:v1.1.2,此版本为修补 EVM 中的漏洞 ( CVE-2021-39137 ) 的修补程序。所有同步节点都应该尽快升级至此版本。


一. 编写说明

1.1 文档说明

  • 文档内容
  • 部署服务

<table> <tr> <th>服务器</th> <th>程序</th> <th>默认端口</th> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="9"></td> <td>BSC开发网节点(BSC)</td> <td>rpc接口:8545<br>p2p接口:30303</td> </tr> </table>

1.2 配置信息

  • 硬件配置
硬盘:1024 GB
  • 软件环境


1.3 部署文档信息

  • BSC官网:
  • BSC链github地址:
  • 主网区块链浏览器:
  • 主网链官方部署文档::
  • 手续费(gasprice):
  • 创世文件及配置文件参考:
  • 开发者文档:
  • 公共节点:
  • 生态系统:


  • 下载bsc基础镜像
docker pull buildpack-deps:jessie-curl
  • 编写Dockerfile
FROM buildpack-deps:jessie-curl
RUN wget -P /usr/local/bin/ && mv /usr/local/bin/geth_linux /usr/local/bin/geth && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/geth
EXPOSE 8545 8546 30303 30303/udp
  • 生成heco主链镜像
docker build . -t private_bsc:v1.1.2


  • 查看是否生成镜像
# docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
private_bsc          v1.1.2              0ba0ebff1493        3 seconds ago       219MB


3.1 配置文件编写


NetworkId = 1024
NoPruning = false
NoPrefetch = false
LightPeers = 100
UltraLightFraction = 75
TrieTimeout = 100000000000
EnablePreimageRecording = false
EWASMInterpreter = ""
EVMInterpreter = ""

GasFloor = 30000000
GasCeil = 40000000
GasPrice = 1000000000
Recommit = 10000000000
Noverify = false

Locals = []
NoLocals = true
Journal = "transactions.rlp"
Rejournal = 3600000000000
PriceLimit = 1000000000
PriceBump = 10
AccountSlots = 512
GlobalSlots = 10000
AccountQueue = 256
GlobalQueue = 5000
Lifetime = 10800000000000

Blocks = 20
Percentile = 60
OracleThreshold = 20

IPCPath = "geth.ipc"
HTTPHost = ""
NoUSB = true
InsecureUnlockAllowed = false
HTTPPort = 8545
HTTPVirtualHosts = ["*"]
HTTPModules = ["eth", "net", "web3", "txpool", "parlia"]
WSPort = 8546
WSModules = ["net", "web3", "eth"]
WSHost = ""
WSOrigins = ["*"]

MaxPeers = 30
NoDiscovery = false
ListenAddr = ":30311"
EnableMsgEvents = false

ReadTimeout = 30000000000
WriteTimeout = 30000000000
IdleTimeout = 120000000000

FilePath = "bsc.log"
MaxBytesSize = 10485760
Level = "info"
FileRoot = ""

config.toml 文件可创建在/opt/docker/bsc-private


WSPort = 8546                         //指定WebSockets-RPC服务端口,默认值8546
WSModules = ["net", "web3", "eth"]    //设定开放给WebSockets-RPC的接口,默认只开放eth、net、web3
WSHost = ""                    //指定WebSockets-RPC服务监听地址,默认值localhost
WSOrigins = ["*"]                     //指定WebSockets-RPC服务允许从哪些域过来的跨域请求,*表示接受表示所有的域

3.2 预先创建一个账户地址


3.3 创建genesis.json



  • chainId 修改为自己的独有链id
  • coinbase 修改为预先创建的地址
  • alloc中的0x6e60F5243e1a3F0Be3F407b5AFE9e5395ee82aa2修改为初始资金接收地址,balance根据业务需要,计算相应预先发行数量(精度18位)的16进制


"congress": {
    "period": 3, // 出块间隔(秒)
    "epoch": 200 // 出块顺序刷新间隔(块数),epoch为一个周期设定,单位是block,每个epoch结束的时候,会对验证人进行相应调整;

genesis.json 文件创建

  "config": {
    "chainId": 1024,
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip150Hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "petersburgBlock": 0,
    "istanbulBlock": 0,
    "muirGlacierBlock": 0,
    "congress": {
     "period": 20,
      "epoch": 20000
     "nonce": "0x0000000000000061",
     "timestamp": "0x0",
     "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
     "gasLimit": "0x2625a00",
     "difficulty": "0x100",
     "mixhash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
     "coinbase": "0x6e60F5243e1a3F0Be3F407b5AFE9e5395ee82aa2",
     "alloc": {
       "balance": "6660010000000000000000000000"

注:genesis.json 应创建在/opt/docker/bsc-private

3.4 初始化geth

将上面修改好的geth.tomlgenesis.json及预生成的账户地址keystore文件放到规划好的位置,我们此时放在 /opt/docker/heco-private

  • 初始化geth
cd /opt/docker/bsc-private

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data private_bsc:v1.1.2 init /data/genesis.json --datadir /data/bsc
  • 将预生成的账户地址keystore文件拷贝至初始数据文件中
cp UTC--2017-11-21T05-46-23.555205600Z--6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2 bsc/keystore/


# vim /opt/docker/bsc-private/ 


docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data private_bsc:v1.1.2 init /data/genesis.json --datadir /data/bsc
cp UTC--* ./bsc/keystore/

3.5 启动bsc

  • 启动bsc
docker run -itd --restart=unless-stopped -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone --name private-bsc -v /opt/docker/bsc/bsc:/data -p 30311:30311 -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 private_bsc:v1.1.2 --config config.toml --datadir /data/bsc  --nodiscover --allow-insecure-unlock
  • 查看bsc启动日志
# tail -100 /opt/docker/bsc-private/bsc/bsc.log.2021-09-01_12

t=2021-09-01T12:58:10+0800 lvl=info msg="Writing clean trie cache to disk"       path=/data/bsc/geth/triecache threads=1
t=2021-09-01T12:58:10+0800 lvl=info msg="Persisted the clean trie cache"         path=/data/bsc/geth/triecache elapsed="893.611µs"


3.6 启动挖矿


  • 从另一个终端进入geth控制台
# docker exec -it private-bsc bash
root@602e93dadf6a:/data# geth attach /data/bsc/geth.ipc
  • 查看当前的的coinbase地址
> eth
  accounts: ["0x6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2"],
  blockNumber: 0,
  coinbase: "0x6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2",


  • 设置该地址为无限期解锁,因为后面需要使用该私钥进行出块签名。0为无限期
> personal.unlockAccount("0x6e60f5243e1a3f0be3f407b5afe9e5395ee82aa2","123456",0)
  • 启动挖矿
>  miner.start(1)


  • 此时查看容器日志
# tail -100 /opt/docker/bsc-private/bsc/bsc.log.2021-09-01_13
// 生成DAG数据
t=2021-09-01T13:34:51+0800 lvl=info msg="Generating DAG in progress"             epoch=0 percentage=9 elapsed=7.342s
t=2021-09-01T13:34:52+0800 lvl=info msg="Generating DAG in progress"             epoch=0 percentage=10 elapsed=8.072s
t=2021-09-01T13:34:52+0800 lvl=info msg="Generating DAG in progress"             epoch=0 percentage=11 elapsed=8.816s

// 开始出块
t=2021-09-01T13:35:58+0800 lvl=info msg="Successfully sealed new block"          number=1 sealhash=0x0f990fcb956860fc1f050205d1aee1aff052f75327a0f1fe82a29b886d259f3b hash=0x8b79131b55f3447c988ac7c361dc0b903666c4dfcbae86bd08aed3f08d453c44 elapsed=1m15.471s
t=2021-09-01T13:35:58+0800 lvl=info msg=" mined potential block"                number=1 hash=0x8b79131b55f3447c988ac7c361dc0b903666c4dfcbae86bd08aed3f08d453c44
t=2021-09-01T13:35:58+0800 lvl=info msg="Commit new mining work"                 number=2 sealhash=0x42546fe2ddf49aacb6a5b87341035e41c55b74145a51fc0a60a364ae91228f15 uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 elapsed="367.28µs"


// 成功封存新的区块
t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg="Successfully sealed new block"          number=1421 sealhash=0x96c582534f19f90bf0c0a7d035723cbe131968d68c250b3b561c39d4e163543f hash=0x7a983d8db1630bb5d30b906d020e578f82608408150d23e08d41182d6f62f5d5 elapsed=13.696s

// 区块进行上链
t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg=" block reached canonical chain"        number=1410 hash=0x6cbcd8fa3606cb2d0a5395af3cd0c515eebb8b84ad864a1cf060eea5e852f107

// 挖掘可能的区块
t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg=" mined potential block"                number=1421 hash=0x7a983d8db1630bb5d30b906d020e578f82608408150d23e08d41182d6f62f5d5

// 进行新的挖矿工作
t=2021-09-01T14:58:03+0800 lvl=info msg="Commit new mining work"                 number=1422 sealhash=0x51bcd69f824944147b113afc8da20a50f7af89e31793969be64c3e199bf9dd8b uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 elapsed="268.173µs"


4.1 查看websocket协议端口是否启动

  • 安装netstat工具
docker exec -it private-bsc bash  //进入容器
apt-get update                    //更新系统
apt-get install net-tools         //安装网络工具
  • 查看容器内websocket协议端口8546是否启动
# netstat -lnptu
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp6       0      0 :::8545                 :::*                    LISTEN      1/geth          
tcp6       0      0 :::8546                 :::*                    LISTEN      1/geth          
tcp6       0      0 :::30311                :::*                    LISTEN      1/geth

4.2 测试websocket协议是否可用





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  • 发表于 2021-09-02 10:11
  • 阅读 ( 1244 )
  • 学分 ( 26 )
  • 分类:以太坊
